23 February 2010
Yes, We Have No Socotras

I was going to do something significant this morning and now I cannot for the life of me determine what it was. The tension in Korea? The Cross-straits relationship between the PRC and Taiwan? The failing of our democratic institutions? Olympic Ice dancing?
I am tired of thinking about ice. There must be something else to obsess about.
There is rain, and the most remarkable thing happened. Well, perhaps not so remarkable. The grim sagging weight of the snow covering the green woven tarpaulin that in turn protects the water of the pool from the elements had sunk down to the water level, dragging the springs that fasten it to the deck to full extension.
The water of the pool had in turn frozen into a gray mass over it. It is a mark of the rain that has fallen over the last few days that the tension of the springs has brought the ice nearly to the edge of the pool again.
It appears as a gray hazy lozenge now, or perhaps a gigantic one-celled animal. A pal wrote from Michigan that there were ten inches of snow on the ground, and as best I can tell, what happens there eventually comes East. Thick heavy wet snow that must look as gray as what is in the pool.
I am going to take the evidence of my senses seriously, though. This is not quite as significant as when the ice turns on Little Traverse Bay in April or early May back there. That is a big deal when the blue-green water opens up again in wavy liberty, freed of the shackles of the deep-freeze.
This is real progress, though. I imagine the blue birds cannot be far behind.

Copyright 2010 Vic Socotra
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