07 August 2010

Seven States and Sturgis

(The American Inn in Sturgis, MI, "Gateway to Michigan).

In Sturgis, Michigan, and no time to elaborate. The Bill Socotra Rambler Rally of the Hoosier AMC Club is today, just a few miles down the road in Shipshewana, IN. Weather good; much cooler than DC. His birthday is tomorrow, his 87th. He won't be here, so I am.

The Bluesmobile ran strong and true as the radio stations came and went.

Turned off the Indiana turnpike and found a motel that actually was sort of charming. Outdoor pool, park next to you own door. Dined at a local place by the WalMart, the Savory Family Restaurant.

The first six states yesterday were expected; Michigan was totally unplanned to make seven in all.

(Bluesmobile at Suite 12)

Getting too old for this sort of through-driving. Hope to get a few hours down the road home tonight so it is not such a bear of a drive on Sunday.

(The View from the room).

Copyright 2010 Vic Socotra
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