04 January 2011
About Face

(Glen Beck Chart. Graphic courtesy WikiCrane, the online community of crane operators.)
Gentle Readers,
I have launched the new-year with a series of polemics about how screwed up everything is, and some observations about things that need to happen, because if they don’t, we are cooked geese.
Naturally, my fulminations have not met with universal agreement. I am proud that my close friends and advisors come from all walks of life, and from every point of the compass of political opinion.
I value the counsel of my Trotskyites and Huns, and the constant stream of internet loony tunes that serves to leaven the stream of bias through the dreaded mainstream Media.
My pal Jay is in town for a conference, and he stopped by the office yesterday. He reads The Daily when he has a chance, and I would like to offer him a regular place on the new bold Socotra House Publishing website, if I ever get my ass in gear and stand it up as a working enterprise.
Between his obvious intellect, which is well respected in the community, we have been professional colleagues since 1981, and regular drinking buddies ever since.
Jay said this: “I would like to follow up with you on the Socialist threat. It is way overblown in my mind. People who have actually read about the development of our sainted Constitution will tell you that Madison and other framers actually wanted the Federal government to be STRONG to confront the lunacy of the States and their "rights."
“Look at when the term "The United States is" came into the lexicon. It took a war to transform the phrase from the plural to the singularnoun. We don't need to revisit that because of the uninformed ramblings of Beck et al.”
“And as to your fulmination about income distribution, you are ignoring what is going on. We already do that in this country, and maybe that needs discussion, but I will join your "progressive" fans in asking the question - aren't we redistributing income every day when Wall Street steals money from all of us little people via their unconscionable insider Ponzi schemes? It would be great if these folks made money the old fashioned way and "earned" it.”
“Here's a "are you smarter than a fifth grader question" for the new regime in the House: Which President was responsible for the largest tax increase in US history, tripled the national debt, negotiated with terrorists, was responsible for the deaths of 200 plus Marines, cut and ran from major foreign policy commitment after that fiasco, did not decrease the size of government, and sat on his hands while AIDs took root in the US?”
“Oh, that would be Reagan! Do we really need more of that?”
“Finally, the voting rights issue that so concerns you is important, but your feedback from the lawyer in SD is on target. Which is worse, Katherine the Florida make-up queen disenfranchising 70,000 plus voters for bogus reasons and essentially stealing the 2000 election, or couple of phony Black Panthers standing at the door of a precinct that has no white voters?”
“There's a lot we need to work on as a nation, but it is not helped by throwing around labels like "socialist." Let Glen Beck and his ilk draw circles on the chalkboard - but don't attach meaning to them.”
“Give me a chalkboard and I could tell a different story....and it's not s pretty one.”
I leaned back and nodded. I wonder what we would have screwed up if it had been President Gore?
Copyright Jay and Vic 2011
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