30 MAY 80

Dear Folks,

Got the nice little compendium of envelopes today, with pictures, Family Newsletters, and kind notes from the Usual Suspects. The pictures were a pleasant surprise; I had forgotten I had taken the things. Was I really there only a month ago?

It has Indeed been a month to remember. The Kwang Ju situation seems to have calmed down, and there are no pressing crisis situations at the moment. I took that opportunity (one never knows how long It will last) to take the Watch Officer's Test today, and I am now qualified to endanger the Peace of the entire Peninsula on my own.

I believe that I will take a cab and go downtown and have some gin and tonics to celebrate.
Two weeks ago, the last chance I had to get away for a while, the tanks were parked all over, with the drivers behind the M-60 light machine guns. They are gone now; or at least the vehicles are parked behind the buildings Instead of out front.

Got a nice note from ur friend in Seattle. I am glad that the fall-out from the Mt. St Helens eruption seemed to miss the coastal areas. Can the next decade get off to a more colorful start? Let's see: I hope both the checks have arrived by now. One should have been drawn on the Navy Federal Account, and the other on the Amex Bank here.

I really don't trust the clowns over at the Post Office. I was concerned when I heard about Bad and the Hospital. I got the letter while I was on duty over at the Bunker, and was only slightly mollified by the optimistic contents. I am relieved that Dad is back home and on the mend.

Sometimes the petty little crap here builds up. They have a Major General who drives around the BOQs in the morning to ensure that no Korean ladies have had the temerity to sleep over. Naturally more import-and than being Chief of Staff…Ah well. I know now why my old Boss Vince said "Better to get the Joint Tour out of the way when you are still too Junior to get clobbered."
Speaking of getting clobbered, I am now in the midst of trying to get my claim against the Movers settled. The burden of proof is naturally on me to demonstrate the exact age and condition of every-thing that was stolen.
Could you look around the rat's nest of my papers and see if there is a receipt for any Stereo gear? I have to document it all, and it would prevent months of anguish if I can come up with anything. I can't figure how I didn't bring It along with me, as I thought I was prepared for any contingency, up to and including the land invasion.
Oh well, I left one of my favorite shower slippers at McClellan AFB when I flew in. These intercontinental moves are so difficult.
Let's hope that Dad's pinched nerve gets un-klnked, the world crisis holds off another couple months (eleven and counting) and that the depression fails to deepen.

Gotta run, best to everybody. Love,