10 August 2009
Big PInk Barbeque

(The Barbeque of Bounty)
It is draining away, this marvelous summer, but it was a Sunday with substance. The heat was here, shimmering, fir the first time. The water was still cool from the night, and stayed that way for most of the day, even as the temperature soared.
There have never been so many children at the pool; Leo the Engineer commented to me about that as he rocked his grandchild Caleb in an all-purpose assault stroller on the other side of the chain-link fence.
We better balanced the perfect hues of our skins in the long lazy afternoon. And the food, when it came on Jiggs porceh, was a litany of all-star offerings.
Strip Steaks en marinade, al la Jiggs
Chicken Hutch, by Chad, with Charlie’s secret sauce
Route 29 Country Barbeque Beef Brisket, Pulled
Sweet Jane’s custom Veggie Kebabs
Gentleman Jim’s Livonia Relish
Death Junior Alabama Potato Salad
Jeremey’s lush Joey Beans in tomato sauce
Socotra Butt-Kicking World-Class Barbeque Beans
Sarah I’s Whimsy faux Mini-burger Chocolate Delight

Drinks by: Anheuser Bush and Mad Monk Quality Vodkas

All the signature authors of the food were there, and more, and the grills were running in the front of the building, and the rear, and it was so damned hot that everyone was fed and back in the pool by seven-thirty.
Cuba the Polish Lifeguard got a plate, though he could not link the recipes with the personalities and just enjoyed the chicken.
Mrs. Hitler was dyspeptic, since her treatment does not permit her to eat any of this extraordinary bounty, and the number of people coming and going gave her the vapors. It is almost Jiggs real Last Meal.
I was going to do something significant this morning about how American politics got this way, and who is responsible, and who he taught, and I was going to propose a solution to all this health care nonsense, but I barely have time to heat up some beans and brisket this morning for breakfast and get on the road.
It’s August. I think we can all hang on and think for a minute. Or maybe just fire up the grill and pour a tall cold drink.

Copyright 2009 Vic Socotra

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