Afghan Election Update

Morning in Chi-town. Up crashing around trying to get in the rental car and down the road to Indiana.

The cabbie we engaged for the trip down to the Webber Grill on Chicago's Loop was from Lahore. He thinks this is a great town, and has been here for 25 years. He bummed a smoke, saying the taxi business was much more complex that one would think. He left Pakistan in 1979, the last time I had a chance to be there that didn't happen, due to the unpleasantness at the US Embassy, and the killing of a US Marine Guard.

Dinner was great, a lot of fun had by all. The cabbie on the way back was from Kabul, leaving during the Soviet occupation. He knows Dr.Abdullah Abdullah, and while he acknowledges the voter turn-out in the south and west may have been reduced by Taliban violence, thinks Karzai won it anyway.

Sometimes you have to get out to find the news.


Copyright 2009 Vic Socotra

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