07 August 2007

Azzam Speaks

Adam Gadahn was on the television yesterday. I gather he has a new rock video on the streets, and he is rappin' down the coming Jihad. His English is perfect, like, American idiomatic-perfect, Dude, which is natural since he is from California. He used the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Japan to foretell an American Hiroshima.

Adam is quite the kidder, you know? He must be a riot at parties down in the caves.

As you know, he goes by the name “Azzam” these days and is a media consultant to the al Qaeda franchise headquartered in Waziristan. Adam is a traitor, among other things, but brings a certain show-biz air to an otherwise pretty up-tight group. He would have been locked up long ago if the Americans were not so preoccupied with keeping plucky general Pervez Musharraf around as the President of Pakistan.

Our pals the Paks have the real weapons, as you might recall, the ones that our pals the Saudis paid for.

But that is the reason we have not been able to take a free hand up in the Tribal Areas along the border of Afghanistan, and why the terror franchise headquarters has done so well of late. I was interested to see a Warning come across my desk yesterday. I was hunkered down to escape the moist heat. It was a hundred in the shade, misery index at 105-degrees, and more predicted for the rest of the week.

It is almost too hot to take things seriously, particularly since the warning has been passed weeks ago. That is why my ears pricked up as I read the words issued by something called the “Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C) of the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response.”

It had a serial number, which lends instant credibility. I used to put serial numbers on all sorts of electronic reports warning of Soviet Bomber activity, or the locations of ballistic missile submarines.

I don't take many things at face value these days, so I Googled the organization after I read the “general warning of attacks by Al Qaeda on US targets CONUS and abroad. Threat Severe.”

Severe threats get my attention, and I like to know what the vector is. When the homepage of the organization loaded, I discovered that it was an Israeli group that markets “business intelligence” to American firms overseas. They have offices in Philly and Jerusalem.

The bios of the key players indicate they are all retired security officials from the Police or the IDF, pretty much in the same line of work that I am. What else do you do with those sorts of skill-sets when you are reach the end of the real career?

I looked at the words in the warning: “Available intelligence and recent events indicate that terrorists have established capability and current intent to mount an attack on the target and there is some additional information on the nature of the threat. It is assessed that an attack on the target is a priority for the terrorists and is likely to be mounted.”

Shoot, I thought. I was saying that weeks ago. The Israelis appear to be taking Adam Gadahn at his word, though, and dissected his words. Adam was actually fairly specific on his choice of imagery, and mentioned "spy dens and Military command and control centers" as potential targets.

I have an appointment at a den of spies this morning, darn it. This is not the first time Adam has run his mouth about what The Franchise intends to do, and it may be bluster and weak California bullshit filtered through Waziristan.

A pal in the business says someone got rolled up the other day, an operator with bad intentions. So perhaps another attack has been foiled. I don't know that any more than our pals in Jerusalem do.

They do say this, though: the symbolic days between the anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would be a nice time to pull something off. At least Adam thinks so.

He is a kid, though, and you expect that sort of posturing from a punk. I am hoping that I live long enough to see him hanged. It would be, like, symbolic, you know?

Copyright 2007 Vic Socotra
Fair use derived: Institute of terrorism research: Terror Response.org

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