Carpe Diem

(Image courtesy Blake Vasek)

Two weekends left with the pool open. The reality has been hard to accept: the pool furniture is still out there, all neatly aligned, and with the temperatures hovering in the nineties, it is so enticing, and so closed.

I wrote an impassioned story this morning- so much emption contained that I had to put it aside. It reflects my view that there is a profound change coming that is deeper than the season and more colorful than the fall foliage follies to come.

We will get to it all presently- some it is about things that are of intense interest, but not strictly speaking my business. Or at least not mine exclusively. For discretion’s sake (and go ahead, laugh at that, as if I had any) it is better to let the events play out all by themselves.

Couple that feeling with the restless suspicion that something is going to happen in the next weeks or months that we are not going to like. I have felt this way before, and I am left with the same vague dread that I recall from the summer of 2001. Something was coming- there was chatter and an oppressive feeling about abrupt and uninvited change that was palpable.

It was an awful year personally and for the larger world, as I am sure you recall.

I don’t have any problems talking about the generosity of the Condo Board, which approved funding to keep the pool open for two bonus weekends of aquatic activity, but now it is here. I should be at the farm- the pastures need cutting and the weeds around the house have sprouted up tall.

I should get in the damn Panzer and get my ass down there, but I am going to swim, dammit. The sense of loss about the impending closing is palpable.

So, add to that the scattered showers and locally severe thunderstorms that will develop during the afternoon and continue into the night, with variably cloudy skies, light winds, and a 60% chance of rain.

It will be dryer and cooler behind the front, and maybe I will get to the farm and the chores tomorrow. In the meantime, time to enjoy the pool.

Carpe Diem, you know?

Copyright 2014 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303

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