Year: 2014

Thirteen Years

I wrote the date and then I had to stop. Thirteen years, almost to the tick of the clock. I watched the President last night, and I know only one thing: we are not safer today than we were then, and this is a mess. Despite all the blood and treasure we have spent since […]

Due Diligence

I have a homework assignment. It involves tracking the cost of living, winter mean temperature ranges, and proximity to military facilities that have health, commissary, Class Six and PX stores. I mentioned before that if this winter shapes up to be like the last one, I intend to spent it elsewhere. I am not sure […]

Word Press and Web Sites

(Vic in Great Pharoah’s grave inside the Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza, 1990. From the revamped website. Photo Socotra). Gentle Readers, This is a banner day at Socotra House LLC. I have exciting news- well, check that. I have news that is mildly interesting and slightly expensive and will probably, as all things seem […]

Spies, Patriots and Traitors

(The statue of Nathan Hale stands guard between the CIA Auditorium and the Original Headquarters Building (OHB). It serves as a constant reminder to CIA employees of the duties and sacrifices of an intelligence officer.The 21 year-old-Captain in the Continental Army volunteered to collect intelligence on His Majesty’s forces on Long Island. He was caught […]

Carpe Diem

(Image courtesy Blake Vasek) Two weekends left with the pool open. The reality has been hard to accept: the pool furniture is still out there, all neatly aligned, and with the temperatures hovering in the nineties, it is so enticing, and so closed. I wrote an impassioned story this morning- so much emption contained that […]