Year: 2015

Family Matters

Increasingly, I am looking forward to closing out DC. I have been here a long time, but I think I am feeling that the run is done. I have lived in Big Pink longer than I have lived anywhere in my life (albeit in multiple units) and discussions with my brother in the rented Rav4 […]

The Road to Peru (Indiana)

We talked about all kinds of crap on the way from Indianapolis over to Circus City for the big car show. It was great to see my brother again, with a lot of water under the bridge and some significant changes in our various relationships and physical conditions. He had run in four of the […]

Circus City

(A total of 42 cars participated in the Bill Reddig Rally at Grissom Air Park near Peru, IN, on Bill’s birthday yesterday. Photo Mike Socotra). As discerning readers well know, Peru, Indiana, is known as the Circus City. Back in the day, the rails going north and south and east and west all intersect here […]


Sorry if I got you alarmed yesterday. After I wrote about the Chinese weaponizing the personal data they stole on you and me and all my friends and family, it turns out that particular shoe has not dropped yet. A few minutes after mashing the button on my trusty lap-top the word began to spread- […]


What just happened to the Joint Chiefs of Staff ought to make us very nervous. Really nervous. Sorry- the unexpected and untimely death of a peer officer caused a rupture in the carefully crafted Socotra Production Plan, which would have lurched back to the sawn of the modern Iranian Continuing Crisis. Something else happened this […]


BOHICA On Gonzo Station Gentle Readers, The odd events of the holiday season thirty-six years ago seem to resonate today. I think, on the whole, I prefer ancient crises to the ones of the moment since we know how it all turns out. Wait, this is still going on, five or six wars later, the […]

Single Action On Gonzo Station

(Eager tourists gather around the US-3 Viking utility aircraft, the only airplane with the legs to fly to Diego Garcia, and hence, the only way off Gozo Station in 1979080. Needless to say, she was a very popular airplane. Photo USN). Gentle Readers, this is a day to cut the lawn at Refuge Farm and […]

Sunrise at Sea

December, 1979 I am not going to inflict the next episode of Nick on you this morning. In the process of getting from one thing to another, I ran across this ghostly note from a previous self. I scarcely recognize the young man. He was pretty full of himself. Well, that is what I think. […]

What Goes Around

So, this has all been a hysterical week. There is so much going on in the circus that passes for our public life that it is quite enough to give one the vapors. Major topics among my little circle of associates included matters foreign and domestic. For record, I feel bad about the lion, but […]


I tell you, the Hostage Crisis is a gift that keeps on giving. At the time the Embassy in Tehran was over-run, the last to be captured Americans on that awful 4th of November were a team of CIA officers who locked themselves in a vault in order to burn and shred sensitive documents, knowing […]