Year: 2015

Nebraska Avenue

(The Mount Vernon Seminary for Girls in the late 1930s before it became the Naval Security Station. Image from Bill Lockert, CTTCM, USN, Ret.). Man, that was a hell of storm that swept across the region yesterday. It was what was left of Tropical Depression Bill, the second named storm of the year that came […]


I am having a hard time getting started this morning. It is entirely possible that this is associated with the high level of noise from the cocktail nook at Willow last night. It was OK when we were doing it the night before with the Aussies, but this was a alien group who stole all […]

When Worlds Collide

It was cheerful anarchy at Willow last night. Partially Australian anarchy, though the group was civil even as it became more lubricated and efficient. It was a George Costanza episode of Seinfeld- the one in which worlds collide. There were senior Naval Intelligence People, and the 18 bright and personable students from Down Under, and […]

Truth or Consequences

I would really like to escape this sorry century and get back to something with a heroic scope and real consequences. I am on pretty solid ground so far, but I need additional information my Great Great Grandfather’s whereabouts after the Union humiliation at the Battle at Brice’s Crossroads, where the family DNA was saved […]


(Chinese computer experts at work. Image from China Defense Mashup). Sorry- I can’t quite seem to let this thing go about the Chinese gaining access to my government security files. I tossed and turned in the night, and had a dream in which a laser dot was playing around on my chest, and I did […]

My Two Cents

As you are probably aware, I am not shy about sharing my opinions about things- realizing that opinions are like sphincters and everyone has at least one of them. I rose at the farm today, a bit late, since I was beat from cutting the pastures and lawn and trimming the brush back from the […]

The Inn at Little Washington

This life thing is kind of ephemeral, you know? We all got dragged into cyber hell yesterday, the political circus, all that. Time to carpe diem- seize it with both hands and wring all the life out of it while we can. But for all that, there are some things that seem to transcend it […]

The Luckiest Man Alive

Friday was a big day at the Pentagon’s JCS J-2 Spaces, and I thought I would pass this along. I want to ensure that you know that one of our best is facing the fight of his life, and as he always does, he is taking it with upbeat optimism. It was the occasion of […]

You’ve Been Breeched

(Press Secretary Josh Earnest does damage control on the OPM data breech that left a lot us breeched). I would have returned to writing about the 72nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry wandering around Tennessee and Mississippi a century and a half ago this morning. It is much safer back there, but my attention was drawn to […]

Hell On Earth

“Can see the dead wagon loaded up with twenty or thirty bodies at a time, two lengths, just like four foot wood is loaded on to a wagon at the North, and away they go to the grave yard on a trot. Perhaps one or two will fall off and get run over. No attention […]