Year: 2015

Local Place

For lunch yesterday, I went over to the Outback that anchors a unique strip mall that is the heart of the neighborhood. It was constructed as part of the 1930s FHA single-family housing development adjacent to the Buckingham Garden apartments. The complex was created by the legendary building Alley Freed, one of the brain-trusters who […]

Willow’s End

No, it will not be the last time I write about the Willow Restaurant. In a way, it is always going to be with us. I got to thinking about it while I was ignoring the Presidential debate last night and watching the Cubbies cement their place in history by winning their first postseason series […]

Back in Battery

(My wonderful daughter-in-law and I found ourselves in the middle of the Michigan Marching Band for “Hail to the Victors!) I was exhausted from the weekend travel. When I was invited to the Homecoming Tailgate in Ann Arbor, I thought I would have some income-generating work on Friday and Monday, so I was squeezed into […]

Joe’s Patio

(Some politician or another. Photo AP) There is a firestorm in progress downtown. Something about the prospective third most powerful figure in Washington deciding he really wasn’t that interested in pursuing the job, after some interesting and scurrilous information was spread around by means of some salacious edits on the Wikipedia pages of some prominent […]

End of the World (as we know it)

I was scrolling through the messages this morning, marveling at the fact that as constructive paying labor has diminished, the discretionary time has done the same thing. For goodness sake, it is past noon and I am still in my bunny slippers and wondering if I should shave. Then I realized that if I did […]

East Side’s Up (and the Battery’s Down)

(October still life, with Syclone). OK- despite the success in starting all five major motors on Saturday there was one little kink. The new battery for the Syclone didn’t fit. Or rather, it fit well enough to get the 4.2 cubic inch turbocharged V6 to turn over, but only with the battery jammed into the […]

Five Engines

(Three of the five engines successfully resurrected at Refuge Farm this weekend. Not shown is the ’59 Rambler and the ’04 Turf Tiger). Never got to generate a story yesterday, Gentle Readers, though there was certainly enough on which to comment. One of them was really depressing. They took a classmate off the ventilator up […]

(More) Cyber Craziness

I am at the farm to get the place squared away for Hurricanes and a foot of rain this weekend. I think I have enough candles, batteries, lanterns, oil lamps and propane to get through any short-term disaster, and the tragic events in Oregon had me numb, even as the meteorologists were changing the prediction […]

Happy Birthday, Ethel

(Ethel and Julius Rosenberg in custody, 1951. Photo Associated Press). Well, they didn’t shut down the Government, which had a lot of people concerned here in town, but I didn’t notice any difference. What is topping the charts is Hurricane Joaquin who is arcing north and which, combined with a stalled low-pressure front, threatens to […]

The Weather, or Something Like That

(The close of business yesterday, making neat stacks). I feel a little weird. Maybe it’s the weather, or something like that. It is gray outside, deep gray, not raining enough to stop the pounding on the concrete I sit at the computer most of the day, either commenting on the follies committed in our town […]