Special Swamp Post Card 3: Vacation Edition

The pool closes at Labor Day, and Kuba the Polish Life guard will be free of us again.

No word on whether the Big Pink Condo Board will authorize two weekends in September for swimming. Constant vigilance is required.

Also necessary in the inexorable approach of the mid-term election. I ha to flee the city to avoid the two demonstrations last weekend- in Washington and Charlottesville, VA. Both suffered from a lack of Nazis. There were plenty of the masked wonders, though. Down at UVA the activists just protested cops, reviving last summer’s theme of hostility and violence against law enforcement.

Chicago continued to play shoot-em-up with a hundred shot in the gun-control citadel’s streets in August alone. I don”t think I will be spending much time in Wrigleyville

The President signed the $726 Billion Defense Authorization at Fort Drum in a surreal ceremony. It seemed like the President was expecting a campaign rally.

in the single weirdest event in recent aviation history, a ramp worker borrowed a twin-engine Bombardier turboprop passenger jet and took it on a suicidal joy-ride that makes us question all the TSA security added since 9/11 at our airports.

Meanwhile, Mid-east madness continues.The Iranians conducted a Naval exercise to demonstrate their capability to close the Starit of Hormuz, and all the oil traffic, while lobbing a ballistic missile as punctuation to the affair. Iranians are taking to the streets..

The Iranian currency, like that of Turkey and Venezuela, is cratering. Trade wars and sanctions are interesting, n’est pas?

The primaries are stirring the pot of Democrat resistance across the country…GOP and Independents show less enthusiasm in turn-out, as is to be expected in a mid-term elections. Democrats are posturing for the next Presidential elections. Their party has lurched left. I don’t think voters are buying what they are selling.

I guess we will see. It is August in The Swamp. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!

– Vic

Copyright 2018 Vic Socotra

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