Swamp Postcard #46


Just a few months ago, my son called from Honolulu to tell me missiles were inbound. Thankfully, that turned out to be a bogus alert, but now there is a Cat 4 Hurricane bearing down on Honolulu, and it is real.

We survived Hurricane Ewa back in the ’80s, and it was pretty amazing. I flew back to CONUS the night that the storm passed, the eye passing in amazing cloud ring right over our lanai at the little Navy house on McGrew Loop at Pearl Harbor.

I hope my son can get to the airport and get out of town before it hits. Storms and rockets have different timelines.

Here? It is quiet in The Swamp….if you discount the sucking sounds around your sneakers. Duncan Hunter, longtime legislative stalwart for San Diego, appears to have been a corrupt sneak.

What a surprise.

I am pretty sure everyone was reminded why we despise lawyers this week…and the follies on the borders that allow predators to kill innocent citizens. I thought we solved this issue a century ago. Mollie Tibbets and Kate Steinley stand in witness to monstrous evil. Meanwhile, more banal evil and greed are on display at the Rocket Docket judicial process here in town. With more to come.

Much more.

If I was the target of the Federal Government in a public matter that would bankrupt me, I am pretty sure I would understand this better. Just ask General Flynn.

Lord, give us strength. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.

Copyright 2018 Vic Socotra

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