The Club Prepares for Demonstrations

Sunday is going to see an influx of left and right wing demonstrators on Sunday. Apparently this is the second iteration of the pro-and-counter demonstrations last year in Charlottesville, Virginia, the home of Mr. Jefferson’s University of Virginia. One demonstrator was killed in the clash.

This time the right wingers have secured a permit to march near the White House, and the Left has vowed to show up to oppos them.

You could view it as a basic disagreement about free speech and the First Amndmemt, or an attempt to interfere with the Mediterranean Brunch ay the Army-Navy Club.

Back in the day, it seemed like joining two clubs was a social and sporting advantage. The Army-Navy Country Club has two golf courses on two great campuses in Arlington and Fairfax Counties in Suburban Virginia. It has been a great association, but I do not play golf anymore and I have an acceptable pool right out the front door at Big Pink. So I may let the membership go when dues come around next year, much as I have liked it. Living on a fixed income means retrench,ent.

Heck, I donated my 2004 Crown Vic Police Interceptor to a worthy charity yesterday.

Th Army-Navy Club (ANC) is older, and more stately. It was founded by officers of the War and a Navy Departments in the late 19th Century as a walking-distance refuge and watering hole from their offices in the Old Executive Office Building, then known as the Departments of War, State and the Navy. ANC features classic Victorian architecture, with inspiring military murals in the dining room. It hosts a world-class library, historic military art, rooms to accommodate members overnight, fine dining and drink, and a location that cannot be beat if you are in The Swamp doing Executive or Legislative Branch business.

Imagine that all three of those fractious rival Departments could fit in one structure!

Anyway, it is worth keeping the membership to the downtown Club, which is not affiliated with the Country Club due to a deep socio-religious schism between the downtown members and those that wanted something new after WW I that featured golf, swimming and tennis.

Like I said, I no longer have a dog in the fight, but downtown offers the best New Year’s Day reception I have ever attended. That events makes it worth staying a member. And the dining is grand, with the weekend brunches and specialty evening events are superb.

Based on the street and Metro closings for this Sunday, I think I will take a pass on the Mediterranean Brunch with a side of demonstrators. Maybe next weekend. I think this one will be a good time to flee to the farm.

– Vic

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