Swamp Postcard: Guns Drawn! Lights, Camera Rolling!

It has been quite a week- which I know you get tired of hearing, since the Swamp has become stranger with each passing week. Amid the government shutdown, legislators took the weekend off as the Coast Guard prepares to meet a second pay period without….well you know, pay.

Maybe they should be authorized to retail the contraband they intercept to make up the shortfall?

TSA and FAA have started a sort of “Blue Flu” sick-out. Ripple effect delays are spreading, even at the airports without mystery drones flying at passenger jets.

I assume everything will get fixed shortly- it has to, right? The public can’t get used to dealing with a government 25% smaller, right?

I was proud to see that the Special Inquisitor’s minions burst into the home of Roger Stone, non-violent possible process offender before dawn with guns drawn and a CNN camera crew out front.

I may be a Swamp Creature of minor pedigree, but this seems to be same same thing they did to Mr. Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen, scaring the bejeezus out of his wife, who is not accused of Crimes Against the State.

Does it strike anyone else that this all-action door-kicking FBI does not bear much relation to the Ehrem Zimbalist version of the Bureau from television long ago? Maybe it is just me. Or maybe because I once toured the former STASI Headquarters in Berlin.

Hahaha. Just kidding. That would be crazy talk here in The Swamp! Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!


Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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