Snow Day

pastures20 Feb2019
I am not going into what happens here in Northern Virginia, the District and Maryland when the snow comes.

There is a rush to the liquor store before it arrives, of course, and then toggling back and forth on the laptop between the National Weather Service predictions and Doppler Radar pages. Then apprehension about keeping power, satellite TV and the internet. It gets very quiet here without them.

Best prediction from the weather guessers was that we would not see the heavy snow until the wee hours of Tuesday night, falling heavily by dawn on Wednesday. Then we would have a delightful transition to sleet and falling rain, transitioning to chill rain in the late afternoon. They were not far off.

As you know, my motto here is “If it is snowin’, I ain’t going.” The Panzer sits out in the circular drive, forlorn under the white blanket. I will not try to go anywhere until tomorrow, when it is expected to warm up dramatically.

There is no point in shovelling, since it will all be gone shortly. But here is what it looked like for the morning commute for those poor folks deemed “Essential Workers.” I bet they are wishing the Government Shut Down was still going on this morning.
Front yard 20 Feb 2019.jpg
(Refuge Farm front yard, above. Pastures below).
pastures 20 Feb 2019.jpg

I know, I know, this is all small beer by the standards of the Upper Midwest winter. But remember, we have to drive with other Virginians.

Copyright Vic Socotra

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