Life & Island Times: This Cat’s Old Bones

Another bad, two-week long cold just ended. Hopefully, this concluded what had become an unending, multi-month spate of bad colds and a case of pneumonia. Feeling blue, I wrote a short piece after a chat with my pal Vic about this devilish winter’s ills that went something like:

“Hey, Vic.”
“Yeah, Marlow, what’s happening, man?”
“Something’s going on, man.”
“Oh man, something’s not right?”
“Tell me something, Vic: what ever happened to J W, man?”
“Well, he done left us, man.”
“He did, Marlow. Didn’t see the doc until too late.”
“Boy, he sure could write some crazy stuff over at the Post.”
“Yeah, he laid out sneaky word traps, fools would buy ‘em and fall down in ‘em dead.”
“I used to like his lightening ways and what he said.”

– Marlow

PS Perhaps only a hoodoo black cat bone’s gonna fix what ails me.


March 2019
This cat’s old bones
Coastal Empire


Hot baths are good for cats’ aching old bones.

Feels like this old cat’s almost done and gone, ache’s blackening my bones
Just got over the last cold, when another done pierced my bones
Got a funny feeling right here, something’s going all wrong

Felt like crap in the morning, paced the living room till well past midnight
Sleep don’t last till the morning, pain wracked my bones long into the night
Coughing came on strong in the evening, doggone man, it was a fight

Gonna call up my doctor, he’s a few miles south of town
Gotta figure out this crazy stuff that’s going on, get this blackness outta this cat’s bones
Got a funny feeling right here, something’s going wrong

My doc treats me like a, well fed old cat at the end of his days
You know my old doc’s good, but I don’t feel like an old cat at the end of his days

Yeah, I ain’t tired of living and I’ll do what I gotta do, I can still make the plays

Maybe I need a doc with a black cat bone, oh yeah
Maybe I need a hoodoo black cat bone
Seems like all the meds I take
Don’t fix what is wrong

You see my doc tried so hard
To fix these colds of mine
You see my doc tried real hard
To end these colds of mine
It seems like the stronger the meds I tried
The more these colds kicked this ass of mine

Gonna take it up with other docs, get a pulmonologist on the phone
Not gonna lay around here living till these old bones feel cold as stone
Gonna take it up with other docs, get a pulmonologist on the phone

Can’t lay around in bed, ’cause or else I’m gonna spoil
I believe my time ain’t done, despite how these aches make me toil
I got a funny feeling right here something inside’s beginning to boil

Well, this old cat ain’t done and gone, gonna fight this pain in my bones
Just got over the last cold, when another done pierced my bones
Gonna fix these funny feelings right here, gonna fix this thing that’s going all wrong

Copyright © 2019 From My Isle Seat

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