Postcard From The Swamp: Good Night, Chairman Kim!

It is sunny and quiet in the Virginia countryside. I am drinking early to get ready for St. Patrick’s day, while attempting to follow the goings-on in The Swamp from the middle distance.

It appears someone is throwing Enfant terrible AOC under the bus- not respectful enough, and too bold and self-confident. That little matter of the $800k diverted to private corporations? Maybe it will be gone by the end of the week. I mean, it is transparent, after all, and she has to pay for that expensive apartment by the Navy Yard.

Not so with the House Oversight Committee, whose Chairman Nadler has issued 81 subpoenas to members of the Trump Administration and family to squeeze them for evidence of something- anything- to justify impeachment.

Sheer enjoyment aside, it strikes me that the entertainment value of this is all fading. Despite the Korea summit apparently failing, the economy is doing well, unemployment is low, and it looks like the 300% increase in illegal alien family groups is just a passing fancy, not a national emergency.

What a relief!

I swear, if I was peddling this as a screenplay I would be laughed out of the office.

Our Swamp Creatures top themselves for novel acts of idiocy each week. What fun! Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.

– Vic


Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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