Postcard From the Swamp: Ides of March

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This has traditionally been known as a week in which bad things happen. The old Romans marked their time a little differently than we do in these late days. The “Ides” referred to the middle of a month- sort of baker’s dozen way to account for a year.

The idea that March 15 is unlucky goes back to ancient traditions and superstitions. I won’t insult you about whether you know that or not. Most people have probably heard the phrase “Beware the ides of March,” quoted from a famous line in Shakespeare’s play “Julius Caesar.”

Equally memorable is the line as Caesar realises his protege Brutes is about to put a dagger in him. “You too, Brutes?”

Yep. Sort of like a Classical-days Never-Trumper member of the GOP.

I could go on at some length about the context for that- how a great Power transforms what had been a successful State change it’s way of government. But come on. If we don’t know our Roman history due to failing memory, or were never taught it in our amazingly incompetent but expensive schools.

Here, in blessed brevity, is the issue: Julius Caesar had conquered the Gauls. There were bureaucratic issues back in Rome, which didn’t know it was about to become a dictatorship, and then an Empire with a powerful central administration. A sort of Latin Deep State.

Anyway, Caesar decided to take his legions down south of the Rubicon, out of his assigned station, and go talk to the Roman Senate about what was what.

The assassination of Caesar was the culmination of a conspiracy by many Roman senators who refused to accept a man they considered a usurper. Gaius Cassius Longinus led the plot, with Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus, and Marcus Junius Brutus. They stabbed Caesar (23 times) to death in a location adjacent to the Theatre of Pompey on the Ides of March (15 March, 44 BC).

No, I am not going to call it “Before Current Era.” That is ridiculous.

Plus ca change, and all that. Great Britain is foundering on the rocks of diversity and the failure to seal a Brexit deal may signal the doom of the European Union, or the end of national sovereignty. Anyway, it is Ides of March week- enjoy!

Having a wonderful time. Wish you here.

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Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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