Swamp Postcard: Fun With Uncle Joe

What an interesting week- not that they are not all interesting these days. There are subpoenas flying around Capitol Hill, and, OK, so Uncle Joe is a little more touchy-feely than society appears to be comfortable with at the moment.

He is a Delaware politician, for goodness sake, and his larger crime appears to be that he is ahead in the polls and is a target for knee-capping.

This was actually a pretty simple issue, though it is possible Mr. Biden did not get the memo. In the wake of the Tailhook scandal years ago in Vegas, the Navy specified the new rules of conduct. The venerable institution established a color code for interpersonal physical interactions.

“Green” meant no ill intent- a handshake, perhaps, though kissing a hand might be a violation. More alarming was the dread “Yellow zone” which meant, as I understood it, touching above the elbow but below the shoulder. The “Red Zone” was everything else interesting, and I personally just stopped having physical contact with other people- male or female- in the work place.

Well, except for that one time….but never mind. I think recall to active duty for a military trial is unlikely at this point. Or actually illegal, not that it seems like that matters in today’s full-contact sport in the public square.

This whole politics of personal destruction thing is getting old. I am on the verge of not watching any more, and going back to the struggle against the Turkey Buzzards on the back forty as a primary occupation.

They are funny creatures, those birds. Graceful in the air, ugly as sin in person. Like politics, I suppose.

It being Wednesday, it is time for an update from The Swamp.

I have no conception of why (or how) Chairmen Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff have walk-on roles in my particular life struggle, but one must confess it is entertaining. Like the Mexican border.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.


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