Swam Postcard: Deranged Shooters and August Vacation

It has cooled off a bit at Refuge Farm, and it is almost enough to make us miss the raisin and sultry heat of the mid-summer. Soon enough September will be on us, and we will miss it.

There are some things we will not. That includes two troubled young men who ran amok in El Paso and Dayton, murdering 31 and wounding more. There is talk of Speaker Pelosi calling her scattered Members back from th beach, or fancy hotels in Europe to consider a variety of intended remedies, including an assault weapons ban and Red Flag legislation to confiscate the weapons from people who may be a threat to the public. And comprehensive background checks, of course, not that any of that would have changed the results of the horrors of the weekend.

I guess we will see how that works out- but many people are reconsidering appearances in public places, and of course there will be a run on the gun shops, as there always is when legislation is proposed.

Things overseas? China tariffs, currency manipulations, subtle encouragement to the North Koreans to launch more rockets. Not to be outdone, the Iranians debuted what they claimed were three new rocket models. The Brits and the Yanks are marshaling ships and aircraft to monitor the strategic Strait of Hormuz as much of the world’s oil passes through en route a world economy that seems to be teetering on the edge of something.

You cannot say this is not interesting, but on the whole, I think I would rather be at the beach.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.

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Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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