Piedmont Easter


The wayward jet Stream has wandered north again, after caressing us with chill embrace the last few days. This morning, we can feel a breath of warmth and life and living once more. It is a holy day for some, celebrating something primal and good. I am not going to take the easy way out and call this something stupid about bunnies and Easter, the symbols of pagan, secular and Christian lives, or the ancient tradition of the Passover. It is a profound connection, since the Last Supper was a Passover Seder meal. Both holy days are about the dead rising to new life, something recognized by all sorts of other belief systems.

To all our observant friends, I wish the joy of the season of resurrection, freedom and rebirth. Still tinged with frost, our rich Virginia earth is erupting in weeds, flowers and assorted foliage that insists on notice of hope from the earth on which we (temporarily) reside.

With the exception of three personal emergencies, and a four-day self-induced epiphany in Israel and the West Bank, I have not carried faith on my sleeve. It is quite real, though, and this is a time to recall the rich heritage of the people of the Testaments, both Old and New.

It was an energetic Holy Week. We may have missed Maundy Thursday altogether. It is intended to commemorate the foot-washing (Maundy) and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his Apostles. I have an excuse for my lapse of devotion, though. The Russians thought I might have an emotional need and bought over a Service Bunny to console me as we advance to the country busy season.

Natasha is a grand lady, and felt that I needed something innocent, and new and soft to contrast with the madness that surrounds us. I was a little startled, but the bunny was a snuggler and his fur was as soft as anything. Natasha said he was a Flemish Giant, even though he is currently quite small. He is going to be a big guy, if he doesn’t selflessly contribute to the food chain. Based on his intrinsic adorableness, I am hoping he achieves family status and adulthood.

I am thinking that Service Rabbits are a good thing, unifying the spirit of the season as the local Buzzards soar above the Farm. Mr. Fox strolled down the driveway this morning, fur neatly groomed. I realized we should celebrate the hare-buzzard-fox three-way affirmation of life on the property at the moment.
With guests, we intend to spend this bright day in honor of joy and rebirth. We will talk country stuff- important stuff, like whether or not the ewe will deliver her lambs on this Easter, how the chickens are doing, what is up with the turkeys and the newly-introduced guinea hens.
Should you require a Service Bunny, I strongly recommend Flemish Giants. They fit nicely as a gentle, lovely but insistent reminder of new life. And I needn’t mention what Natasha’s little rabbit represents, though you already knew. He is the darned Easter Bunny, big as life.

Our hopes from the Piedmont that you have a joyous day. We can deal with tomorrow…tomorrow.

Joy to you all on this special Easter!
– Vic
Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra

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