Life & Island Times: What’s Keeping America?

Editor’s Note: Some of old America is happening out there. We will see what the system produces in our names when they get to it, right?

– Vic

Author’s Note: I don’t have as reliable an answer as I once did.

– Marlow

 What’s Keeping America?

What used to keep America aloft, enlivening its citizens lives?
What used to keep America far above the to and the fro?
Because now out here beyond DC’s cold shoulder borders, we’re all down
And we’re tense in our jaws and teeth of some unseen approaching storm
What’s to keep America, what’s to keep America safe and warm?

We know what used to keep America serene like a ship in a harbor
What’s used to keep America far from the fray and rout
Now even our rivers are riled up, even the tough are thrown about
TV twits quail like a poor orphaned rogue waifs
What will keep America, what will make America feel safe?

That’s why we stand in the cold night just as close as we can with hands out
Maybe by seeing the way that she’s being left to fend, we’ll find out

That’s why we out here stand in the cold just as close as we can with hands out
Maybe by seeing the way that she’s being left to fend, we’ll find out

What’s keeping American heads above the raging flood waters?
What’s keeping America above all the guttersnipe swell?
Media BS sinks one and all of us, leaving too many jackals minding the store
Now what’s keeping America staggers our minds all the more
What’s keeping America staggers the mind
What’s keeping America?

Maybe these?

Copyright 2021 My Isle Seat