Life & Island Times: Our New York State of Mind

Editor’s Note: Marlow takes us further in his rambles on the rails. Herein, he finds an essence in a city that was the center of a world. Dad looked at the wonder of it across the the water. Mom worked in the Chrysler Building. They started married life in Brooklyn. For their 65th Anniversary, we gathered at the Little Church Around the Corner in Manhattan where they wed. What was the line in song? “New York, just like I pictured it!

– Vic

In order to not provoke feelings of jealously or inflict minor paper-cut aggressions upon any reader’s &$!#% identities or sense(s) of self-worth, this make-love-to-NYC piece will be brief and nearly wordless. Well . . . as much as this extroverted blabbermouth is capable of such regarding our New York state of mind.

New York State of Mind 1978

Some folks like to get away
Take a holiday from the neighborhood
Hop a flight to Miami Beach
Or to Hollywood
But we took a train
On the Silver Meteor Line
We needed a New York state of mind

We’ve seen Savannah’s movie stars
In their fancy cars and their limousines
Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens
But we knew what we were needing
And we didn’t want to waste more time
We needed a New York state of mind

It wasn’t so easy living in CovidLand day by day
Out of touch with live jazz, rhythm and blues
But now we needed a little give and take
But not the New York Times or The Daily News

It came down to reality
And it was fine with us ’cause we let it slide
Didn’t care if it was Chinatown or the Upper West Side
We didn’t have any reasons
We’d left them all behind
We were in a New York state of mind

Once there it was so easy living day by day
Deeply in touch with live jazz, rhythm and blues
We got what was needed — some give and take
Didn’t read the Times or the Daily News

It came down to reality
And it was fine with us ’cause we let it slide
Didn’t care if it was Chinatown or the Upper West Side
We didn’t have any reasons
We’ve left them all behind
We were in a New York state of mind

We just took a train on the Silver Meteor Line

‘Cause we needed a Christmastime New York state of mind

Tip of the hat to songwriter Billy Joel

First up are several photos of our lodgings at the Arthouse Hotel on the corner of Broadway and West 77th Street:

We spent late nights here with a nightcap as revelers enjoyed musicians playing the lobby’s piano.

Eating in NYC is a blast with old classics and new creative cuisine. One such meal at a nearby Upper West Side place, called Red Farm, paired regional craft beer and playful Asian food updates.

Pacman dumplings, Red Farm, Manta Ray Dumplings

Friday evening was Radio City Music Hall, the Rockettes Christmas Special and then on to further mind-blowing holiday nighttime displays. What a great place to be a child again!!

Radio City Music Hall lobby (l) Rockefeller Plaza (r)

The Tin Soldiers March from the Rockettes’ Christmas Special at Radio City Music Hall
One sad footnote to the above image: due to its cast testing positive for CovidLand the show
was cancelled for the rest of the holiday season on the day that we returned to the Coastal Empire.

A brief set of Upper West Side images:

Blackened and Red Peppered Chirping Chickens a block from our hotel

One last montage before I hit the pause button on these New York state of mind installments. More will follow.

Saks 5th Avenue Holiday Light Display

Copyright 2021 My Aisle Seat