Living in the Great Society

(Thin sheets of pulp paper spliced together in booklet format were part of the trash Splash brought along on his life journey. He claims to have purchased this odd collection in 1966. He also claims to recognize the figure pointing at America, now largely unknown).

We had some great kids visit the Farm yesterday. They brought a demonstration of “Generational Change” along with them. It actually was quite breathtaking, if you have been through the parenting process. Part of the sharp intake of respiration is the simple acknowledgement of the miracle of life itself. It is new to every generation that achieves it. One of the juvenile participants in the Farm visitation was a young lady, last seen as a new-born infant, now in constant motion as growing trim girl. She demonstrated the ability to do nearly full splits on the smooth tiles that surround the cast iron fireplace. Her older brothers were well behaved and articulate when they looked up from the devices they clutched unless specifically directed to pocket them by their parental units.

That in turn evoked memory of the complexity of “packing up the family” and embarking on a brief and inconsequential jog to the country, but part of a spectrum of activity all interwoven in meal management, sleep cycles for five individuals, scholastic achievement, what comes after the number “39” if counting from the number “1,” a feat demonstrated by the youngest of the team. Three times.

The realization that part of our lives we had been part of the same dizzying procession of challenge and change. Being part of the creation of a new generation of human beings. Teaching them to function in a social millieu featuring the dramatic alteration of life colliding with new technology. Getting things done, not only in the home, but with careers to manage in a changing world while attempting to provide the best start in a world none of us fully understand. It required a moment to remember to continue regular respiration.

There has been some discussion about “generational change.” The visit made it real. Splash has been muttering about what he calls the “eighty-year-cycle.” We generally agree with his general assertion about that, even if there is quibbling about whether the observed cycle of human life has shortened based on the astonishing digital advancements of the day.

DeMille was calm. “We rely now on computer projections that are generated by the algorithms that make calculations to agree with what was entered into them.” As is his wont, DeMille logically had taken the assertion about the assorted collisions of biology, extended life span and technology, done his own digital research, and created his own hypothesis.

“The folks at Marketing News claim there is a new generational concept that doesn’t include the names we have for the generations. The term “Boomers” is an example, and contains nearly all the aspects of the base assumption about human experience. Once upon an older time, it reflected a generational urge to put the specter of global conflict and economic disruption behind. Form family units, procreate and raise children. There was a spirit of optimism and vibrancy and a host of social innovation to support the effort.”

Melissa smiled. She has been part of that now-old Boomer philosophy about rebellion and social change, and lived the reality of bearing and caring for both older and newer editions of the human experience. “The old concept of generational change is accurate. You guys sit around the fire and bitch about the stupidity. It is possible mostly because the people in charge now do not actually remember any of the hard lessons. They have instead become the history that they are ripping down or rewriting to reflect a future that is a product of the old reality modified to expect something new from the same stuff.”

Splash laughed aloud and Rocket scowled. With deliberation, he said: “I remember when the term ‘ecology’ was new. It was exciting and led to some positive change. Then, we were alerted to the imminent return of the Ice Age. It was going to happen real soon.”

“That was fifty years ago and it got warmer.”

“Which provoked a rational change to the situation and creation of a new threat that was going to happen real soon. Kids won’t see snow.”

“Well, it looks like they will this year.”

“Global Warming means there will be increased cooling.” There was laughter around the circle, and some clouds of vapor due to the morning chill. “That is why the brand had to change names to “Climate Change,” since the one thing we can agree on is that it does. Change, that is.”

“Would you rather talk about the Consumer Price Index? They are doing the same thing with that.”

“That is uncharitable. The answer is known. We need to relax and adapt to change with policies that might work, even if they haven’t before.”

“That is the nature of the change. Many of the people driving the change now did not live with the consequences of the policies they want to try again.”

Loma laughed. “Like the Great Society. In only fifty years we managed to invert racism from legal discrimination against one group of people into legal discrimination against another. It was wrong then. So, we lived our lives trying to change it and succeeded. In fact, we were so successful in adjusting an immutable human characteristic that it just turned it inside out.”

DeMille had his look of irony, which combined a thin smile with a characteristic grimace. “There you have it. And we will see change again. The question is how much chaos is going to go along with it. Welcome to being an Old Fogey.”

There was a cloud of moisture around the Fire Ring as routine respiration was transformed into visible condensation. The weather monitor claimed the temperature was going to rise nearly forty degrees by afternoon before plunging again. We all expected to survive the day, though experience suggested there could be some necessary adjustment.

“They took housing costs out of the Consumer Price Index. With that adjustment, inflation isn’t so bad, and the Administration is doing well.” Splash adjusted his parka. “And Belmont Farms is going to open on time just before lunch.”

There was some nodding and more clouds of vapor in response.

Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra