Socotra House Holiday Card

First up on the weekly production cycle was an insightful piece from Arrias on how we miscalculate things globally, and make goofy policy decisions e will all pay for. Well intentioned, mind you, which is why the Interns are tired at this time of the year. They have to take the “Footnote” signs out to parade the fact that even Refuge Farm recognizes there are differing approaches to solve things that may- or may not- represent part of real crises that need to be addressed.

The news from the Twin Cities this morning is an example, if you are following the various components of The Narrative. For Mid-westerners, the story is a familiar one about a metropolitan area undergoing significant change. The Writer’s Section is in general agreement about that part, but that is where the narrative starts to veer around. I am the only native-born Detroiter at the Fire Ring, and take a certain ironic pride in that fact. My perspective is in keeping with the Footnote sign about how a pretty neat city, industrial power, can destroy itself over the course of a single life. But it may be coming back- there are some hopeful indicators, but as noted in our recent consensus about “hope,” it is not a method.

There used to be room for that at the start of discussions regarding public policy. Now, conversation starts not on verifiable fact but on decibel level. Oh well- at The Farm we have the time to think through the complexity at the front end of questions, and solutions have diametric consequences. It seems to have become something akin to religious discussions. That is a topic we have all abandoned long ago, since it is about “belief” and the strength of it, not analysis of things that might be achieved. Climate is another one, of course, and that is a perfect example of the new belief system.

A pal in a square state wrote this morning to describe the “weather” today. It include a temperature swing of some 22 degrees through the course of the day. Not “1.5 Degrees!” (forgetting to mention if those are “Fs” or “Cs”) over a thirty-year-period which are the brink of Doom. That leads to the nature of the solutions, like increasing our reliance of national power grids even as we strive to make them less reliable.

DeMille said it doesn’t make much sense, and we trust his technical expertise. So, let’s go with the greeting at the start of this note in the spirit of the season. There are holidays aplenty, based on faith and calendar, and we should take a moment to treasure them, and at least glance at the Footnotes before the volume goes back up!

– Vic