Year of the Swimming Tiger

Let’s be precise here- we are quoting some Chinese thoughts, and in this year their imagery is strong across the planet. What is a water Tiger? It is a term that is utilized only each sixty years. This will be the second edition some of us have seen, notably the Boomers and their remaining seniors. As you recall, the lunar calendar is apportioned sequentially into the aggregation of twelve beasts. For reference, we are departing the year of the Ox, solid strong and affixed to the earth. Next year the one after this new one- 2023- belongs to the Black Rabbit. This year, the one we start with the February moon, our tiger will be a water beast, signifying that in addition to strength, agility and cunning, there is a “strong sense of self-esteem” and “learning ability.”

For ease of association and planning, the Tiger is associated with the Western astrologic sign Aquarius.

That does not mean we are entering an Age with which the Boomers are already familiar. The chords of the Fifth Dimension’s Age anthem echoed faintly around the ring of rocks, since we have lived the cycle most of our lives. For the purposes of the Writer’s Section at Refuge Farm, we take the portents simply. Like the Ox, we are- or were- strong, stubborn and attached to the marvelous rich earth surrounding us. And as old sailors, the image of the proud swimming cat, strong and wily, gives us a clue on how to approach this new year.

All right. Some of the fine print is out of the way. DeMille concluded his opening remarks for the staff meeting with a curt reminder to recognize the limitations imposed by emergency rule while welcoming new ones. “OK, the Chairman says we can go back to talking about the lunacy the swimming tiger will bring on it’s back in the year to come. We should be respectful, of course.” He glanced around to see who might be listening, a problem complicated by the fact that it might include the Alexa device the Chairman insisted on installing.

“Arrias sent something along to help us calibrate the new trip around the sun.”

“When the Moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars?” Splash obviously was concerned he had missed something and was reaching back a few decades to stay oriented.

DeMille smiled, and produced a neatly folded sheet from the inner pocket of his field vest. “Arrias has answered that, and with the knowledge that it is already next year some places where we used to hang out.” He paused for a moment as he unfolded a sheet of verse. “Here is the way Arrias sees it this morning:”

Farewell and Welcome

Our ship sails on, through seas foul and fair,
Buffeted by strong winds and waves,
Off the west coast, progress will need prayer,
Ships don’t sail at all, after some laws made by knaves.

Some very good friends slipped their moorings,
Headed for the last great liberty call,
They have been lifted up on eagles wings,
No more to battle the squall.

The damned Chinese virus still won’t go away,
St. Fauci says probably never,
Yet another strain seems determined to stay,
Or maybe some people just want power forever?

In our nation’s capital, confusion seems to rule,
With idiotic comments and poor grammatica,
We all seem to have elected more than one fool,
Who write laws the size of Encyclopedia Brittanica,

One man wants to be China’s emperor,
And perhaps emperor of all the universe,
And Tsar Vlad wants his land back like before,
Are we living that old Chinese curse?

Cold winters are proof of global warming –
Apparently everything else is as well,
Greta continues her mewling and whining,
In First Class – and says it’s hell.

Transitory Inflation didn’t transit
For now remains dangling above our heads,
Until a new definition is made to fit,
And up becomes down, thanks to the feds!

Fuel prices still keep climbing,
Food prices hot on their heels,
Not sure we’ll be very happy
Paying twenty bucks for Happy Meals.

There seems to be no end of bad news,
But still we sail on and on,
Our good friends continue to choose
To stand with us like Don John!

So, we sail into the New Year,
Maintaining course and speed,
Rough seas ahead, sky not clear,
Grit our teeth, smile, so we’ve all agreed!

Now lift a glass to all our shipmates,
Army and Marines as well,
As we navigate more treacherous straits,
And bid 2021 farewell!

We sail into the New Year,
Of a toast – and hope – we are not bereft,
Here’s to us and those like us,
So Damned Few Left!

Copyright 2021 Vic & Arrias