Life & Island Times: Closing on the Horizon

Author’s Note: Nice work on yesterday’s fire ring doings. W and I will vote in our state primaries this coming Tuesday. Georgia has already surpassed 2020’s record general election early voting totals. In the off-year primaries, no less. The national parties’ carpet baggers are down here in force with their money, BS TV commercials and USPS flyers, endless text and email missives and door to door operatives. Can’t wait for November to come and pass. I wonder if/when we’ll declare open season on those rumored 2000 mules.

In the meantime, here are several ramblings on sailors living long and closing on their horizons as we warm ourselves hovering next to the fire ring’s embers.


darkness of our advancing age falls upon us
as our faces become wrinkled, wretched
still wanting current things like in past times only more than they

our days are marked with
indignities – some
disastrous, most
less so
but the endless process
wears us down.
attrition rules.
most then slowly give
empty spaces
where people once were.

and now
as time flees past us
there is very little of it left to

which makes our tragedy
less and less and
not as we still view it — more
much much

Untitled (fern). 2022
by Eleanor Carlson
All rights reserved

long ago
former adrenaline junkies
fearless enough to sail through typhoons and nor’easters
courting disaster
willing to walk the steel plated weather decks while sea salted lightning struck close aboard
must have loved thunder
as we stepped out upon the storms
no doubt why our hearing needs help.

even these amateur trapeze acts
without a net
are ending well
despite surfing down
mountain side mud slides
in our springtimes.

wish the same could be said for this plague
but it showed both rich and poor
we are all the same in front of nature
no favorites
funny it’s like Camus said
all man could win in the conflict between plague and life
was knowledge and memories.

and now a word from our sponsors . . .

it’s new
it’s blue
it’s cheer
new blue cheer

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