Friday Night in the Swamp & My Muse showed up…

Author’s Note: Spectacular thunder and lightning storm, started right around sunset, so I could see the trees in this sort of fog, and then it got really dark, really quick. 15 minutes into it came a tornado warning. Spectacular lighting – some of it lasting 5 or 6 seconds it seemed, lighting up the back yard and woods in this weird, too bright, unearthly light. And then huge crashes, but puppies not happy, lots of barking for about an hour… And the rain came down in buckets for about 45 minutes…



Standing guard o’er the enchanted swamp,
Great green giants dressed in gray,
Dark clouds gathering above,
In the gusts they begin to sway.

The God of Thunder approaches
Swinging his mighty hammer,
The dogs bark in righteous anger,
Adding to the general clamor.

Rain pours down, the giants shake,
A split second, the lightning flashes,
The swamp lit by an unearthly light,
Thor’s mighty hammer crashes.

Again and again he swings his hammer,
Again and again the earth trembles – BOOM!
Loud and brilliant all around,
As if ‘twere the tromp of DOOM!

The rain pours down, a torrent,
As if to wash the earth clean,
Thor’s hammer crashes midst the cascade,
Tis a frightful scene!

The dogs bark in anger,
But then all in a rush
The rain ends, The thunder God is gone,
And over the swamp a hush!

Another hot day and humid,
Another night for Thor to stomp,
Making his way across the crowded wood,
Just another storm in the Swamp…

Copyright 2022 Arrias