Life & Island Times: A Day Too Long Blues

Author’s Note: After reading what our dear leaders now want to legislate regarding price gouging inflation, I penned this very rough draft to chase away the blues. We may be approaching ours, but they’re well past their expiration dates.

Lord help us.


Every step these days we walk a fine line
Your days are numbered, so are mine
Time is running out, so we struggle not to stray
We feel all boxed in, nowhere to escape

World’s just a jungle, too many games to play
Feeling trapped, no use tryin’ to get away
We were raised in another time n’ country, no longer working downtown
Seems like we’ve been in trouble ever since we set our briefcases down

Sky’s full of fire, electronic pain’s pouring down
Nothing they can sell us, we’ve seen it before all around
All our powers of expression n thoughts were once sublime
Can’t ever do these times justice in reason or rhyme

Only one thing we did wrong
Stayed in DC a day too long

Well, the censors’re in the alley, jackasses in the stall
Can’t say anything we wanna, they don’t wanna hear it at all
Like walking through dead leaves falling from the trees
Feeling like strangers nobody hears or sees

We sailors got here following southern stars
Had to cross that river just to get to where we are
Only one thing we did wrong
Stayed in DC a day too long

Well, our ships’s been pounded into splinters, sinking real fast
We’re drowning in this poison, got no future, long gone is our past
But our hearts’re not weary, we’re always fight while we’re still free
We’ve got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with you and me

Our clothes might be salty and wet, tight on the skin
Not as tight as the corners they’re trying to paint us in
Well, city’s emptiness is endless, cold as Georgia clay
We ‘re always welcomed back, as long as we pay

Only one thing we did wrong
Stayed in DC a day too long

Copyright 2022 My Aisle Seat