Sign of the Times

(The official Refuge Farm Christening Sign is now in place out by the Big A** Rock. Our Ace Landscaper got it in place yesterday to help commemorate the completion of the new porch addition. That in turn is against a backdrop of an economic recession here at home, or what appears to be something larger with Europe’s energy policy teetering on a cold winter, hunger abroad in the Third World, and troubling activity by the world’s second largest economy in China. It seemed like time to get the sign up by the front gate!)

So, the crowd at the Fire Ring at Refuge Farm was a little agitated. The matter was topical, since with the election now only a couple months away we can expect to have our airwaves flooded with revelations of all sorts of things. At the moment, one of the respected agencies of the Government itself is being castigated for a variety of alleged activities. We can’t mention them, since that would potentially place us in Article 88 jeopardy.

As a point of clarity, we want to register our complete support for whatever it is the Government is up to, since none of us has the extra cash on hand for legal adventures to go along with the Chairman’s medical expenses, so we will just avoid the whole thing and be quiet.

In the meantime, the cable company seems to be on the verge of completing the new Fiber-Optic line to run alongside the farm lane that leads to the Big Paved Road and some of the orange cones that have defined our lanes are disappearing,, There is the real prospect that we may soon be able to stream video content on demand, a major breakthrough. We are in favor of Government success in the occasional times it happens in this place that combines the charm of The North with the efficiency of the South. And we hasten to remind the readership that life is good, productive, and beneficial in many directions. Except a few that are directly astern and closing in range, but we will put aside consideration of those matters for the coming holiday that ends our summer season.

It looks to be a pleasant summer day, and we think the most useful activity we can achieve is to enjoy it!

Copyright 2022 Vic Socotra