Weather Report: Election Looming

Wyoming’s congressional representative Liz Cheney got clobbered yesterday in the Wyoming GOP primary. It was another strange developement in a strange election cycle. This one featured registered Democrats changing parties to vote for her, though in the end she lost all but one county in the lovelt state.

There is more, of course, including author Salman Rushdie being attacked during an address and possibly losing an eye to an attempted murderer who apparently sought to honoro an old fatwa from the Iranian government. He will live, but the level of violence in public places is unsettling even for the doddering Boomer generation.

Big news in Piedmont is the prospective discharge of the Socotra writing staff from Rehabilitiation. That event is now scheduled for just before lunch on Friday, and an attempt to return to unassisted living back at Refuge Farm. In the meantime, ancient writings have surfaced in various editions going back four and five decades, and the astonishing story of how the American Security State was established has popped out of accepted history and shown where some of today’s astonishing new-style politics have descended from the Old America some of us recall. It may be worth plucking some of the stories out for compilation to show how we got here. In any event, the most significant new Climate Bill has been signed and we are apparently going to end inflation by printing a bunch of new money and racing carefree toward a bright futue.

Or something. The next few weeks will inform us if we have entered a new form of party politics in which the last Administration is arrested by the new one. It looks to be an exiciting time all around, you know?

– Vic

Copyright 2022 Vic Socotra