The 20th Annual Bill Reddig AMC Meet

Gentle Readers,

The Virginia Detachment of the Hoosier AMC Club has tried to keep you in the loop for the annual fall event that means so much to those who roll in the Rambler tradition. As Bill Reddig’s proud kids, we support what these great Americans do to keep a great tradition alive!

As part of ordering some of Bill’s various engineering and design materials, we will be working to transfer some useful materials to the Club for use in future events. That process is underway at Refuge Farm as we speak. Some materials, like the design board below, will be transferred to ensure their legacy continues with the show! More on that as it develops. For now though, we want to re-cap the events this weekend out in Peru, Indiana, and results and awards from the show. Bill’s family is very proud of our association with Hal Souers and a group of Great Americans!

First, this is Dad’s depiction of how ink turned into proud rolling steel:

And now, from Hal Souers, who does the heavy lifting on a great event, the 2022 Ron and Donna Helderman Award announcement and news from the event!

J.R. & Mike Reddig

Good afternoon!

Thanks to all of you who were able to join us at the Grissom Air Museum yesterday for the 20th Bill Reddig AMC Show. Some beautiful cars and even better-looking people!. The silent auction was a success, but one item drew far less than the auction experts had expected. That CAMPELLTOWN sign went dirt cheap…but I’m not bitter. Highest bid was for the AMC parts book donated by Ian and Holly Webb and purchased by Mark and Lois Rancourt. The Rancourts also amazed the group with their turbo-powered 6-cylinder two-seater AMC. Watch for photos in the next HAMCC Hoosier Ramblings.

I wanted to mention the beautiful 1961 Ambassador wagon on the plaques, Ruby, belongs to Robert Lonski in the state of Oklahoma. It sports the roofline we love so much designed by AMC designer and namesake of our show, Bill Reddig. Bill was at AMC at the time of the Nash/Hudson merger and is credited as the force who kept the design department together in those early days. The Heldermans met the Reddigs on the AMC cars show highway of life one day…or its respective rest-area as the legend goes…and the relationship between the Reddigs and HAMCC was born.

On to the top news!!!

Our honorees for the 2022 Ron and Donna Helderman Award we unable to attend yesterday. I might have called them with the news but they’re vacationing in the Carolinas and in case they were being chased by either bears or the Highway Patrol, I thought I would share it with everyone via this email today. Some of the comments made yesterday about Joe and Debi Fougerousse (and I hope that’s spelled right on the plaque!!!):

Charter Members of the Hoosier AMC Club
Club officers and leaders including the position of president
Constant promoters of AMC
Constant promoters of the Hoosier AMC Club
Have opened their home and garage for HAMCC meetings
Instrumental in the success of the AMO National meets our club presented in 2013 and 2018 in Auburn
Instrumental in the successful AMCRC National meet we presented in Garrett
Instrumental in the success of many Bill Reddig Shows
The kind of people who know what needs to be done for a club, at a meeting, or at a show…and do it!

I recall Debi setting down rules matter-of-factly in Auburn. I thought, “This is a car show…for fun…why is she telling me what to do?” Because delegation and help and pulling together and supporting our team and leadership are necessary for pulling off meets small or large. And I needed to learn that from Debi and Joe and I appreciate their lessons.

Thank you and congratulations to the Fougerousse’s for your many years of selfless dedication and contribution to the Hoosier AMC Club. Some of the reasons the officers and directors of the club unanimously chose to honor you with the 2022 Ron and Donna Helderman Award.

Have a great Sunday afternoon, everyone! You’re my kind of car people!!!
