Warning Light

The Panzer hadn’t been fired up in the weeks devoted to- what is the term these days? “Transitory?” health issues. The crew at the Writer’s Circle had decided to fire it up to see if there were still dangerous fossil fuels sufficient to operate the thing and avoid having to put more in the tank of the battered F150.

One of those little lights illuminated with the successful ignition, and although the vehicle seems to move under its own power, the relevant paragraph on page 268 of the owner’s manual suggests consultation with skilled mechanics to turn it off might be required.

In ordinary circumstances, we would have launched a response to the startling electronic headline urging the change of former normative behavior in public restrooms, or perhaps the equally startling assertion by the leader of a major world power that the use of atomic weapons in Europe might be necessary for something we thought unnecessary.

But we have to dispatch someone to go talk to a mechanic who speaks German. So maybe more later!

– Vic