Weather Report: Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving! Some of us around the Fire Ring are from Great Lakes upbringing, so the recent snow up in Buffalo didn’t evoke much surprise. There were a couple grins that they are not having to deal with it this time. Some places got five and six feet of Lake’s Effect snow. Sometimes at this time of year, the freshwater of the lakes is still relatively warm and when a deep Canadian chill breeze sweeps up Lake Erie it converts the lake moisture into an unearthly dump.

We will present the usual weekly in a new context. Back in town amid holiday bustle. The move went well, an event for which we are thankful. And for the manifold blessings to which we are afforded, and to be stedfast in their defense. Meanwhile, there are other places that can only aspire to such blessings. We will see what we can do to support those aspirations as Mr. Kerry promised at COP-27, the Climate Conference in Egypt. There will be more on that when Congress returns next week, and the structure of the new House leadership is established.

There will doubtless be louder shouting from the direction of the Hill as it is established. The Fireworks will begin shortly, along with the one that mimics the new practice of supporting the more odious of candidates in the other party primary in order to increase chances of victory. In that regard we could see support going to Mr. Trump from the people who want to run against him. All the other stuff is continuing. Weather is putting a blanket on major movement in the Ukraine. The misery of living without electricity in temperatures near freezing with rain is something to contemplate.

But here, there may be a day or so of muted partisanship until everyone gets back to the capital and the new Special Council get’s his office set up and the subpoenas blanket the sky. We intend to actually give some thanks for all the good things that have come to us from the work of generations of Americans. It is a blessing we should remember.

Copyright 2022 Vic Socotra