Report from Washington: The Blossoms Beckon

This is a short one that welcomes a brand new month in a year that is still sort of new. There is something special here in Your Nation’s Capital: the National Weather Service has announced when we will see the lovely pale pink cherry blossoms bloom down by the Jefferson Memorial on the Tidal Basin on the other side of the Big River.

The hundreds of pink-and-white cherry blossoms that bloom each year- there are 4,000 of the trees donated by the people of Japan right before they hit Pearl Harbor is one of those seasonal delights. The lovely pale pink colors symbolize the start of spring in your nation’s capital. The buds are burgeoning now, but still dark green and lumpy. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claims- get ready- that we will have blossoms on the 23rd, with peak viewing a few days after.

We are therefore in the month that Spring will erupt here, and if you wish, please feel free to set up tents on the Patio at Big Pink to ensure you have reliable lodging.

There is more, of course. Today is still prelude, featuring crystal-clear skies but temperatures still below freezing at dawn. Relax though. We are already well into our planning cycle to maximize enjoyment. We checked the opening and closing times for the Virginia ABC shops to ensure we are well stocked for beverages at times of best visibility. The Galaxy Station Wagon has already begun hauling loads!

There has been some apprehension about timing. This was a relatively mild winter here, which has provoked anguished discussion about the climate changing itself into something else. Some are attempting to predict the Day of Doom based on the weather, but we do not think it will happen this year. There is natural uncertainty, since peak bloom varies by year, and is more dependent on the weather than inputs of the scourge of anthropogenic climate change. A few warm days from the West could cause the blooms to come early in March, while a cold snap could keep them from opening up and painting D.C. pink until later in April.

The official prediction for 2024? The National Park Service claims that this year’s peak bloom is expected to arrive March 23-26, slightly earlier than the average April 4 peak bloom date. So be flexible on when you expect to set up camp here. We can chat about that with adult beverages while you set up your tents. There is plenty of free parCherry Blossoms are Bloomingking!

Best viewing? The cherry blossom trees planted in Potomac Park are a favorite. They circle the Tidal Basin and continue on to the National Mall and the monument grounds. Blossoms can stick around for a couple of weeks if the weather is calm and there aren’t any major rainstorms. Accordingly, we plan on sunny skies, warmer temperatures and raucous laughter as we leave the winter woes behind.

We should note that there are other reports this morning of other events that could influence the viewing. Apparently the folks on The Hill decided to fund the operations of the US Government after midnight tonight. That affects not only the Park people but also the Weather Service.

So, we are afraid all those employees will show up on Monday. They may change their predictions. Or, they could just come over here to Big Pink and watch from here. The view of the blossoms at Arlington National Cemetery is partially obscured by the East wing of the building, but some of us are going to be over there for eternity, so there should be time to sort out the best viewing from there.

Spring is coming. At least if they keep the Government open until April, you know?

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra