Super Tuesday Weather Report!

Morning, Gentle Readers! Did you stay up last night to see the slightly confused pundits on the flatscreens marveling at the results of the political pandemonium. Primary Political contests held in a couple dozen states yesterday, including the one in which our Patio Super Tuesday is over with some fairly dramatic developments. Both Biden and Trump posted decisive wins across more than a dozen states. Nikki Haley, a bold challenger, finally dropped out of the race for the GOP nomination against Trump, who now appears unopposed in the GOP re-match with Mr. Biden.

POTUS is not directly opposed in the party he wants to represent. He did adequately continue his lead for the Dems, but resistance is mounting to a November re-match of 2020 based on his weak polls. He looked tired in Tuesday appearance,

To even things up, Colorado sought to have Mr. Trump removed from the state ballot since he must be guilty of an insurrection for which he has not been formally charged. The Supreme Court voted 9-0 to toss that one out on its ear, but that has increased the vocality hostility against the very role of SCOTUS in the Republic.

He could be replaced, but with whom? One scenario is to move VP Harris by offering her a SCOTUS seat and appointing sleek California Governor Gavin Newsom as VP candidate with the idea Mr. Biden would resign, making him the next and 47th President. There is other news from the Golden State regarding former Major League Pitcher Steve Garvey running fairly strong against that strange Congressman Adam Schiff for the Senate seat formerly held for thirty years by departed Senator Dianne Feinstein. You can see only some things were solved. California has not elected a GOP candidate to state-wide office in twenty years.

That is on of the factors to show where the race has turned now. Momentarily, it is a potential re-match of the placid and unemotional 2020 election. That is a situation unpopular with many in both big parties and our little Independent one. Trump appears certain to cinch the GOP nomination as a minimum result of yesterday’s partisan paroxysm. The lawfare campaign against him will naturally continue. Mr. Biden appears to be failing, physically, and the maneuvering around VP Harris will be awkward at best since she is polling lower than the President.

So, there is that. The kinetic conflicts in progress continue. In Gaza, the Iron Dome offensive by the Israels is balanced by the Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. They are cutting undersea cyber cables and harming Asia-Europe communications and lines of communication. In Ukraine the fighting continues in bitter slow-motion fighting in the eastern area along both rivers, with the Russians capturing an atomic power plant the Ukrainians say they do not know how to operate. It is season change there, and the mud will slow offensive operations.

In American developments in that war, acting Deputy SECSTATE Victoria Nuland announced her retirement after 30 years service at Foggy Bottom. She was the most vocal supporter of UKR at State, and her departure could mean a change to US policy on a ceasefire or settlement. Also retiring is AZ D-Senator Kristen Sinema. Unknown what this means, but Dems nervous about a GOP President supported by a narrow GOP House and Senate. There are some enormous issues at stake that include money and potential prosecution. These could drive some unusual and dramatic action.

In that war, UKR sunk another RU patrol boat with drones, the last operational RU? Navy vessel in the Black Sea. They are now out of the maritime fight in the Black Sea, snd UKR outbound grain shipments are not directly threatened.

Super Tuesday here? Virginia went strong for Trump, an interesting development since Gov. Youngkin had been mentioned as a potential replacement for the Orange Man. This will be an interesting summer. The uncertainty of the way ahead for Trump and the GOP appears over at this point. It is the Orange Man as nominee. Will there be a third party candidate to shake up the re-run of a controversial contest?

The way ahead for Mr. Biden has more questions. Run him with a plan for short-term replacement? Replace him in the campaign with the VP or someone like Newsom? That could impact the election results.

This will be an interesting summer of campaigning. Mr. Trump confronts Lawfare on four fronts intended to gain a “first conviction against a former President. They say success in any one of them could be a major factor in the vote. Another could be that those currently serving in the Biden Administration may fear they will be subject to prosecution (even jail) if their side loses. There is the possibility China could act against Taiwan, but all the Asian powers- PRC, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are confronting demographic challenges. All have populations with shrinking birthrates. There will be impacts on world economies in the supply and demand of goods.

So that was Super Tuesday, just like out of one of those Marvel Comic Action films. We will have a chance to live it, starting today1

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