Winky Onboard Midway

(USS Midway CV-41 Library and Docent staff at their recent 20th Anniversary event in San Diego. In center rear of the image, Phil Eaken is holding LTJG Winky, a hand-puppet that served to keep attention on the flight event briefings for Air Wing FIVE aviators before Midway became a museum).

Phil sent the picture above this week in commemoration of the multi-decade Anniversary of ex-USS Midway (CV-41) becoming one of San Diego’s most popular tourist attractions. There were some grand memories brought back from inside her gray steel flanks!

(Old Salts Vince Fragomene and Joe Mazaffro, 2008)

It had been a tough week for some of the Old Salts. Vince was the Intel Center Boss on Ma Midway when she was an active and rollicking man o’war. Sadly, he lost his wonderful life-partner of 58 years last week. Pam had been superb at channeling some of the energy from the junior officer community her husband led on Midway. Winky was just one of the members of that team.

There was other history in that picture from back in the Indian Ocean days, circa 1979. Dean Whetstine and Vic were back in the Carrier Intel Center (CVIC) trying to stay low profile and decided a name was needed for the place in which we were endlessly operating. The senior guys in ship and squadron were always talking about “Yankee” and “Dixie” Stations from the recently-concluded conflict in SE Asia.

We tried to think of something short and memorable. We came up with “Gonzo,” since we wereand it was. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Legendary Journalist of that time who had originated the term, did not seem to mind.


Vinnie wrote back: Thanks Much Phil…Son is heading back, in the air to the airport just this morning..

And imagine my reaction when those “puppets” were first introduced….And then watching the “aviators” made me think, hey they are paying attention, and that’s all that matters….XO was not initially taken, to say the least….had a few others comments from visitors, and some ships company….they all got on aboard after a few talks with me…:)

(DR. Hunter S. Thompson)

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