An Abbreviated Daily

Our thanks and appreciation for those who wade through the Socotra Dailies! This morning, we ran a fine piece from Arrias that commemorates one of America’s bloodiest battles at Gettysburg with a situation report from the current conflict in Ukraine.

So, with the Supreme Court expected to issue the last of this year’s decisions at ten o’clock. we were going to let Arrias settle the morning.

There is so much more in play, here and abroad, that it is bewildering. Some of it is horrific in implication. Section Leader DeMille asked us to try to set the stage in a sentence or two for the most visible issues swirling about on this first day in July:

America and the Campaign: There is conflict in the President’s campaign, family versus party versus independents. It will be complex in resolution.

“Tesla,” the Court, Regulation & Environment: A “4-hour old $109,000 Cyber truck runs off on its own with $30K damage…”

Europe: French elections- LaPen up, Left is slightly down, Macron teeters. Populist-run Hungary new EU Chair.

Middle East: War in Lebanon? Iran is sponsor and pushing atomic weapons advance. How will Israel respond?

That is as succinct as we can get it. This is a nation and a world in peril. We haven’t seen anything quite like it in our short lives.

More tomorrow after we digest the rest of the morning. Be safe out there!

– Vic

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra

Vic Socotra | Purveyor of glib words to the world