Arrias and His Muse: Summer Storm

Poet’s Note: The puppies were upset – they woke my Muse at 0245 – My Muse woke me… if only she were flesh and blood…
The storm soon followed…

– Arrias

Summer Storm

The dogs awake with a start,

Agitated, they sense what I cannot,

Outside the humidity is complete,

Stormy weather, wet and hot.

Hours to go until the dawn,

Now, on the roof the patter of rain,

A flash of lightning, thunder follows,

Summer storm in the wood again.

The dogs bark and huddle close,

The rain now drumming, drumming,

More lightning – close, thunder rolls,

Closer still, more storm is coming.

Music to calm the dogs,

Vivaldi concert for guitar,

A brilliant flash lights the Swamp,

Fantastic shapes, eerie, bizarre.

The dogs bark louder, press closer,

But it has peaked and now will quickly pjayare303ass,

The dogs soon asleep,

Outside first twilight o’er the wet grass.

The tree frog chorus begins again,

A brilliant cardinal adds a touch of pomp,

Cicadas join in the concert,

Another summer storm in the Swamp…

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