Cards we Are Dealt & Mood of the Day

A neighbor is a Marine Vet and stopped at the picnic table on his way in from the car in the lot. He does contracting now, providing necessary on-demand skills useful in times of crisis. He was talking about some of the places- locations- where he has recently been called to work. Some are apparently lighting up with activity in response to the stream of ‘news.’

None of that is contained in the headlines above, which are just about the usual colorful noise of messaging. But it is part of what the Chairman has asked DeMille, our Creative Section Lead, to provide to keep the other residents in the office building of what the staff might be feeling or how they might respond to interaction. Rocket suggested a chat with new VP nominee Walz about his treatment of late- pro and con- would be illuminating.

Below, in regard to above, is come of the spirit of the day…

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra