Passing the Torch

You can see the challenge of generational change in the outing this morning. When we still wore the dungarees or wrinkled khakis, we were intensely interested in one of the ships above when it arrived in Pacific waters with those funny jets. They were totally inadequate for a fight at sea, but it was situationally a big deal at the time, those things rising vertically and descending the same way. They provided the entree to this morning’s metaphor of life in these United States!.

That in itself was a challenge, since the messaging about the election is so pervasive tfire at a nautical theme park in China seem vaguely appropriate. Which is about as close as we can get, given the restrictions imposed by Legal to avoid liability.

And don’t get us wrong. We are opposed to shipyard fires and pleased no injuries were reported from a conflagration that destroyed other older metaphors.

Something analogous happened in Chicago at the big convention, though we were cautioned not to be very specific and not run it as the lead to the story. Legal said we could treat it as a sort of retirement thing and passing of the torch, not seizure of it, that also recognizes injustice on another side of a different ocean if we didn’t label any of the pictures and just mentioned the level of activity was moderate compared to that of a notable previous convention in the Windy City. We understand the destruction of a couple purely symbolic fences was mostly for the optics, not to disrupt the proceedings.

That was a contrast to some other election activity, or lack of it, as reported rom our pals out in that big Square State across several rivers to the west.

They apparently have one party out there, so the “Primary” is kind of a big deal. We have the same deal back here on the other side of the hemisphere, which is why there is discussion about whether to go over to the Registrar’s Office to cast our absentee ballots in person, with photo ID or the utility bill from the people next door since there is now a metal detector at the door and we may not be able to wear out traditional election headgear. Like the guy Out West who supports bears.

But we are hoping everyone has great optics this week, all the sides, and we can come together as we advance into an Autumn filled with excitement and Joy!

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra

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