Special Afternoon Edition of The Daily Socotra

We wish we could attribute the delay in publication to something constructive, like out-of-control day drinking or multiple balloting in elections with which we were not previously familiar. But there was travel involved, down to the charming state of North Carolina, and a moving interaction with beloved but distant family and friends under delightful weather as miles rolled under the still-functioning wheels of the Panzer.

So, that was a distraction from the ongoing crisis in what we used to know as Europe. Given the news from France and the UK lately, we are no longer certain about that. In the war in what used to be Ukraine, which was part of the USSR, the Russians are acting out after Ukraine’s own invasion of Russia. It seems there may be some underlying cracks in the once formidable Putin machine. The current activity is ongoing with a spurt of Russian violence in the Kursk salient. There is talk that the stalemate may be showing other weaknesses, and breaking that perception means the use of a tactical version of a WMD is a real possibility unthinkable since the Cuban missile crisis when we were just kids. Here is the shorthand version:

The other ongoing hotspot that has caused “Death to America” chants in what we knew as Mayor Orville Hubbard’s resolutely Polish enclave in Dearborn, Michigan?

Maybe something dramatic is impending. So, that is the international, but we are awash in Crazy Campaign. Here is a snapshot of events here in our own beloved United States:

That is all making this the most unique Presidential campaign ever. The new Democrat nominee has announced her opposition to many of the policies followed by her party’s previous presumptive nominee, and announced support for some of those of her opponent. It is interesting. It was also interesting to be out in America. There are some dailies about changes in our national driving patterns, and appreciation for the friendly people and well-manicured properties in the Tar Heel State.

If you should find yourself to be in Burlington, adjacent to the renowned Triangle of vibrant cities, active Research in all manner of fields set in lovely outdoor venues. But in Burlington there is a great place to grab a traditional breakfast with great eggs, grits and real Carolina muffins. We visited Danny’s Cafe, a friendly Mom ‘n Pop eatery in the heart of the historic hush puppies and great eggs. The place is narrow, to fit in the old storefront it has occupied since 2004.

The couple in the line below right attracted our attention as we downed coffee and grits. The back of the woman’s shirt at the counter was visible just a couple feet away from the tables we had pushed together. It had the travel destinations of a local C &W band, and Splash took a picture to identify what NC folks consider the memorable places a regional band would put on a show. Next to her, a man was putting on a version of his own, without remorse or much notice.

God bless the Road, and particularly the ones here in America!

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra