Arrias and His Muse: The Equinox

Dry leaves tumble in the breeze,

Red and yellow and brown,

And then slowly come to settle,

A crunchy covering o’er the ground.

The Equinox is upon us,

Winter is just around the bend,

Soon the weather guessers will tell

Just what all this portends.

But their forecasts might as well be dice,

Their records laughable at best,

What will the weather gods bring us,

Who knows? Best to be warmly dressed!

A thick sweater and a heavy blanket,

Perhaps we’ll sit by a cozy fire,

Hot cocoa with the one I love,

What more might man require?

Just to curl up with My Love, My Muse,

Her warm body in my arms,

And as it grows ever colder outside,

I will surrender to her charms.

Copyright 2024 Arrias