Distant EchoEs

You can imagine the controversy at the Production Meeting. The collision between the messaging streams is remarkable at all levels of the information campaign.

In the war that looks like the old ones with clips on the Flat Screen? There is grinding tension along the brutal line of contact adjoining both sides of the Donets River in Ukraine. Young people are dying in a hail of directed explosives in steady unexpected release.

Down to the south and east are the blasts of another conflict more intensely personal radiating across Lebanon and Syria. They are from and to a variety of electronic devices. This morning that lurched into an earnest discussion about the solar arrays on rooftops also joining the merriment.

There are, of course, side bar conversations for the folks who used to plan these things, in an authorized and legal manner. Or that is what they thought, and that went back to things like Operation Phoenix.

That was the counter-insurgency operation attempted in Vietnam, an unsuccessful but earnest attempt to harness technology to oppose strong views.

Which led to the note from Phil out on the West Coast that rested in the middle of the Picnic Table. He was writing in glowing characters from his desk in the Library of the large piece of steel in the middle of the slide above. That is the ship formally known as USS Midway (CCV-41). He is a volunteer there now on what is a successful commercial enterprise celebrating how things used to work on the World Ocean.

We have Rocket and Meat engaged in refereeing a scrum of activity about the Russian and Chinese maritime operations as the United States is putting ships into storage for lack of sailors to operate them safely.

They can always be operated the other way, which is a topic under discussion about the destruction of the massive harbor bridge over in the Baltimore we are not going to get to this week. It is apparently a cyclic thing. You could ask that kid in the upper left of the picture above, or the cartoon guy in the lower right who had no idea how his brief existence in a cartoon life was going to go.

Or what he thought of the cartoon President who played his part. Any of them.

Which would bring us around to the Campaign volume that increases in intensity and volume each day. This morning featured the fervent assertion that the latest assassination attempt is the fault of the man was targeted. Because of the rhetoric, you know? 46 days to go on that matter.

The emotion is not new, and reflects a certain commonality in the messaging across the years.

It is louder, you know? And Vic’s reaction to something said by a man who has been dead since the end of the Carter Administration is a graphic, if somewhat dusty, example.


Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra

Vic Socotra | Purveyor of glib words to the world