Good Folks

OK- Yesterday we fumbled through a brief account of some of the tension in the long grinding conflict caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine across the majestic Donets River. That is the one that drains the East European Plain, originating in central Russia’s Upland north of Belgorod.

There has been vigorous periodic fighting there over the past four or five centuries, so it is appropriate it could be the center of another major episode in the history of what we knew as The West.

Current issues are the nature of missile exchanges more dramatic than the ones already in progress. With some technicalities the experts assure us they are working on.

But that led directly to the disquieting revelation from last night’s somnolence, the one in which Splash shared an ephemeral interlude with an assertive NATO Assistant General Secretary whose views are broadcast.

So, you can imagine how the session started around the picnic table. We had thought about a jaunt over to the Starbucks by the old office over on North Glebe, the one by the old office, but it was too busy after the shooting there this lovely morning just after opening.

It was apparently not the start of someone’s day but the ending of another, even if we were just stirring. The guy that got hit might have come down from the Westin Hotel- nice place- but a bad way to start a Sunday morning for a morning pick me up.

ShotSpotter acoustics indicate there were “shots fired” just after six and a guy in his 20s was found near the hotel entrance where we would have parked. Brass all over on the sidewalk and bright stains.

The victim’s garb- morning or evening- was not described witnesses. According to traffic scanners, the assailants then drove off in the direction of I-66. The closest entrance is westbound, so that means this might have been a Fairfax, not District activity. Or intersectional like everything.

We are concerned that a window was apparently shot out at Gute Leute, the nice coffee place across Glebe where the old Bill Peck Chevy dealer sign has been transformed into chrome and blue glass panels.

The name of the place is the spirit. Loose German translation is “Good Folks,” or people in modern tense. Timely sort of place and an interesting stop walking over to restaurants or Tracy O’Grady’s Willow when it was still there.

Signature coffee at this place was vegan oat-milk coffee with lemon sorbet. Lavender latte also a standard. We got an iced Vietnamese that was good. Calculated au currant ambiance except for the bullet hole.

So that is how the morning got side-tracked. We had every intention of addressing the results of the sale of decorative partisan-themed cookies in Pennsylvania, and inspiring story of the dramatic announcement about publication of the impressive 2nd edition of the Socotra House book “Cocktails With the Admiral,” updated to include material shared by RADM Donald “Mac” Showers when the first edition was rolled out before his passing.

But more on that in a minute. We may step out for a coffee with some good folks.

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra