They’re Back! Check Wallets and Purses!

Congress is seated again, Gentle Readers, or at least wandering around as both the House and Senate open for business today. The spokespersons claim they will attempt to order our affairs for the Fall. It therefore behooves us to recall the abive words of Mr. Twain amid a historic couple months of domestic and world turmoil.

Above is the state of play as the rhetoric is being rolled out. We had assigned Mellissa, our Intern from Legal, to do a quick appreciation of the Alford Plea apparently considered by the President’s son, remember him? He is facing nine tax charges with a potential penalty of 17 years in jail over more than a million bucks in allegedly unpaid taxes.

His legal team had maintained his innocence, and the matter was about to go to trial. In the bizarre legal side-show, it apparently was determined that the news about what was allegedly done would be detrimental to the Campaign of the man who is now not running one, but might have some incidental implications for the new candidate. Accordingly trial publicity could be avoided by an “Alford Plea,” a thing which admits guilt but maintains innocence.

That was going to be an exciting opening to the week now ending, but was abandoned before Melissa got her sharpies organized on the yellow legal pad. Apparently there will be something like a “Guilty but no intent to be guilty so don’t say I was” is the new strategy that is hoped to buried in the next couple media fireworks events.

One is the looming end of bedraggled Fiscal Year FY-24. Digits and decimal points are still sloshing around, with torrents more on tap. The end is midnight on Monday, 30 September, and failure to resolve some of the minor differences will result in the shut-down of the multi-trillion dollar Federal Labyrinth. The Salts at the Picnic Table are already arguing about how the $838 Billion chunk of that that sweeps through our old business will be affected, and how we might have to react.

The continuing drama thus combines a certain personal element in the new Fall.

That includes the other looming thing a little nearer, which is the Debate. That is supposed to happen next Tuesday, and speculation is roaring about microphones and notecards at ABC’s electronic auditorium but the larger one is about whether the event will actually occur.

That reflects some additional drama as the Media Honeymoon appears to be fading for VP Harris and action will need to be taken. We have only seen the old manner in which these transitions occur, the peaceful ones, but there is speculation this could be more colorful.

We suppose we will all see how this transition works out!

Copyright 2024 Vic socotra