The Inside Story
I am not going to get to the sort of robust and fully-developed story that discerning readers have come to expect form the Daily Socotra. Instead, I will give you a preview of what our editorial staff is hard at work on right now for the week to come.
The declassified SECRET document was annotated in December of 1974, about the time many former documents from World War II reached their date of release. We don’t know who wrote it for sure- and the reviewer 31 years ago had some curt comments.
“Guesses only.”
“This must have been prepared by Safford?”
“I cannot remember where it came from.”
“It is inaccurate on matters technical (sic).”
“Pencil comment by who? Rochefort?”
“Holtwick says he believes Safford is not who wrote the Memo.”
That last bit would have referred to LCDR Jack S. Holtiwck, a dashing officer with a trademark mustache who supervised the “boiler room” at Station HYPO in Pearl harbor, and who knew exactly what went down when the Redman Brothers, supported by Joe Wenger back at Main Navy on Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC. One thing you learn out in the Fleet is that Washington is never wrong, even if they have to re-write history to prove it. But we will have to get to that as the week unfolds.
Copyright 2015 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303