Letters From the Other Shore


I was down in the garage at the Farm earlier in the week, going through the mountain of debris that arrived in three geologic ages: when I bought the place, when I sold the condo in Arlington, and then when the “need to look at this stuff before disposal” stack. Consequently, the 1940s lie atop more recent history, sort of like analyzing geological over thrusts in rock formations.

In turning over one thing, another came to light. I was stunned. It was a little binder that came from Mac’s apartment at The Jefferson when the family cleaned it out after his passing. It contains a detailed chronology of his campaign to right the tremendous injustice done to CDR Joe Rochefort after the battle of Midway. The chronology is fascinating, and I will get around to publishing it. But there was something more: original letters from other members of Station HYPO, the code-breaking unit in which Mac served in the basement of the 14th Naval District in Honolulu.


Here is the first one I read, from the legendary Jasper Holmes, former submariner turned novelist and cryptologist, and the architect of some of the wizardry that made the victory in the Pacific possible. Mac was just starting his campaign to have the Navy Department award the distinguished Service Cross to Joe- I can’t call him anything else with all these ghosts emerging from the manila envelope. Note that there is another reference to missing documents in the archives, something that seems to happen with remarkable regularity in anything involving the rivalries of Washington and the people who were actually fighting- and winning- a war.


It is a very strange feeling, holding these letters. The sticky note on the envelope in which Mac kept them instructs me to return them to Jasper when I am done with them.

I have no earthly idea how to do that. Suggestions are welcome.

Copyright 2014 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303

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